XP.network NFT bridge supports over 20 chains, including EVM (Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon etc.) and non-EVM (Elrond, Tezos, Tron, Algorand, etc.). Very few NFT bridges can do this – but why? What makes bridging between EVM and non-EVM so complex? Let our CTO Dima Brook explain:

• what a blockchain virtual machine does
• how EVM works
• why EVM and Solidity are imperfect & unsafe
• the bewildering variety of non-EVM chains’ languages, libraries and NFT standards
• how all this impacts NFT bridging
• …and how XP.network solves this with its multiple libraries

Want to know more about bridging between EVM and non-EVM, or integrate XP.network with your chain? Then drop us a comment or write to [email protected]
#NFT #nonfungibletoken #bridgenft #blockchain #crypto #solana #EVM #Ethereum #API #JavaScript #tron

Official Website – https://xp.network/
XP.NETWORK Multi-chain NFT Bridge – https://bridge.xp.network/
Bridge Widget – https://widget.xp.network/
Bridge Explorer – https://explorer.xp.network/
XPJS API – https://www.npmjs.com/package/xp.network
Staking Platform – https://stake.xp.network/
GitHub – https://github.com/xp-network/
XP.NETWORK Docs – https://docs.xp.network/

Social Media:
Twitter Official – https://twitter.com/xpnetwork_
Linkedin Official – https://www.linkedin.com/company/xpnetwork
Blog – https://blog.xp.network/
Bitclout: https://bitclout.com/u/XPnetwork
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xp_network/

Telegram Official – https://t.me/xp_network
Telegram Announcements – https://t.me/XP_NETWORK_ann
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Discord Official – https://discord.com/invite/g3vkcsmd38
