I Explain Why The Quant (QNT) Token Is The Key To True Interoperability! (QNT Tokenomics Analysis) In my opinion & Give a Price Prediction

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What makes QUANT (QNT) Unique ? by CoinMarketCap

“Since the introduction of blockchain and the distributed ledger technology, innovators have found use cases in almost every known industry. However, there has been the problem of seamless interoperability between these projects. Quant was created to be the missing link between the “different” blockchains.

Quant’s operating system, Overledger, was designed to act as a gateway for any blockchain-based project to access all other blockchains. It also works in connecting an application to other applications in the same blockchain ecosystem, like Ethereum.

More than multiple blockchain interactions, Quant creates different layers for apps to interact at different levels. Quant has different layers for transactions, messaging, filtering and ordering, and an application for sharing and referencing identical messages related to other applications.

The Quant App Store has the ability to read and monitor transactions across multiple ledgers. Using Overledger, developers write smart contracts across a wide variety of chains including those that don’t support them — such as Bitcoin. Developers can also use the store to create and release multi-chain applications (MApps).”

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