The Binance Smart Chain Explained – BNB Chain – BNB Smart Chain – BNB Beacon Chain – Binance Rebrand

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Launched in 2019, Binance Chain is a blockchain developed to support the Binance Decentralized Exchange. It also powers the Binance Coin. After it’s launch, Binance realized that it didn’t quite have all the functionality that they wanted. They still saw a use for it, so instead of scrapping it, they kept it and built the Binance Smart Chain. And in today’s video, we’re breaking it down.

In today’s video, we’re talking about the Binance Smart Chain. We’ll examine what it does, why it was built, and how it runs alongside its counterpart, Binance Chain. We’ll also take a look at some of its drawbacks and examine what the future may hold for the Binance Smart Chain including its recent rebrand to the BNB Chain. There’s a lot to cover, so let’s get into it.

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