You saw I got accidentally Bitcoin rich. Well there’s another layer to the story. Tons of you told me to mint NFTs. My 14-year long Free Paintings project includes 2,809 paintings that I mailed all over the world to strangers for free. I turned that whole project into an incredible image on the blockchain. How much Ethereum cryptocurrency is it worth? Well you’re a part of the artwork. So clearly it’s priceless.

Thanks for being a part of the art. Feel free to increase your own value as the artwork by sharing the story 🙂

Here’s a browser-sized version of the artwork to explore→
(Your computer may take a bit but be patient cause it should work and it’s pretty darn cool to play with)

The auction is here!→

Like it?? Join my team to help me make more→

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edited by Claire Wiley

Hey best pal-y! I’m your musician, comedian, internet buddy. I’m dedicated to giving you music & comedy & fitness awesomeness every Thursday. Thanks for joining me on my adventures and being a part of this band of outrageous friends I’ve got 🙂

– Ali
